Things was friendly, then. By that time North and South, Democrats and Republicans, folks young and old where making peace with the civil rights, going on ten years. At first it seemed confusing and somethin’ risky. No one was sure how it worked. Like the Edsel. But, that piece of crap was gone. There was […]
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A Message For Updike
He went in search of beauty this morning. Earlier, for breakfast, it was pork sausage, eggs basted and buttered toast. The cellulose casing cracked about the roof of his mouth as he peered curiously into the metaphoric adjective on the plate. Whether it came first, after or preceded some precedent was important for no apparent […]
Inspired by: “Down by The Station” 20th Century nursery rhyme & childrens song Down by the station Early one morning There was little Pufferbelly Waiting in the snow. “Station Master! Station Master! Where is my package? Swifty Shippy is at the Cape. I can hear his whistle blow.” “Station Master! Station Master! Where is my […]
The taste of blue is a burnished weed anchored to the anointed mouth of a salty cove. Blue is not wasted on storms of flesh. Blue is the seamless edge of crescent moorings, a curious heteronym, the faith of suspended love. Blue moistens the waters of a distant cape, clings to cobbled memories, waits quietly […]
What is found in the i of the pi, this transcendental ghost in righteous distress which evades indentured minds crusading upon the evanescent continuum of truth. Will pi raised to e reveal To Be as the definite cause or just an infinite pause? Is the root of two an insipid brew seasoned by tricks of […]
After You’re Gone
Our doors were not made of affectatious Whims, frostless fires or artic mist. Days twisted the same parochial dance. Ignorance bore no remorse, but for years. From my door the shadeless spectre that traces the shadows are still visible, though for an instant; then the sibilant silence whispers on. Today my door will open to […]
Black letters Red Yellow letters Brown, white. Letters with rigid respect Slip through pursed lips To periods pressed hard. Pay not to zee for zed The scourge of circumflex – Let Letters stand tall, Curved, oval stretched to clean, Dotted, comma as expected To abide perfectly aligned Amidst a muted scape. Châz
Fractured syllabus The American haiku Distant seasons cry
the bell rings softly moving ever nearer now the bell rings louder my ear so close to the door your breath resonates softly Châz
Tack The Wind He is strong, confident, resilient. The quarterback of his life. Never afraid to call his own number. Takes pride in living on the fringe. Always certain that he will know when he has reached the edge. Lost now; without direction. But, as an experienced pilot he needs only to choose a heading, […]
Ode To A Butterfinger
I am the hero of Alexandria’s holy gifts. You have seen me. My creator reveals our treasures, then renders what’s due to procure a lasting faith. But, you must come closer so that we may consummate such common cause. My clever and abundant precision may be found, absent undue fare, wherever you are. In the […]