Niccolo Machiavelli is a name that emotes powerful responses, even from those who have never read a word of his writings. The expression “Machiavellian” has become a pejorative term associated with the dark and suspicious side of human nature. However, serious students of Machiavelli acknowledge that he was, in fact, a dedicated republician committed to […]
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Quantum Tears
Ankara’s grief is but the blood of Zwet, and the mystic swirl of Becktic’s breast is well sweetened as Floral begins to weep amidst entangled orbits of the Hermitian Plains. They spin, collapse, drift, expel to sooth the cosmic storm’s refrain for reserve’s retreat to momentarily cleanse a timeless horizon with stateless grace;. /then Whether […]
I am clear, curious, cautious, smooth of Wit with the shallow reach of wisdom’s Innocence. You are the gestation of each moment. Our singularity. Quietly purring To my impatience. But – Are we finite partners posed upon The Horizon’s infinite embrace? Or – A point on the fractal maze Of random recklessness. Notational, generational, probational […]
The land remains warm, fresh and alive Yea, for now we prae life seems to have little meaning and that our voices are no longer heard so, we do not believe the earth will continue to endure and in our time truth will find new light and prosperity – Nay it will be said “Never […]
“Asked & Answered”
“In a crises of faith” will virtuous beliefs be uncertain No longer Châz The truth is often found from the bottom up.
False Confection
I have known them all Sweet, succulent, sour, supreme Warn, fat, some frigid and flat But, they all taste just the same This was written for the only contest that I ever entered. The requirement was to describe this picture in exactly twenty-two words. (22 words) Châz
Without beginning to end Bound only by the flesh of momentum To duel no longer Amidst senseless formations now complete The weight of friendship can be lifted forever – What is that? “The tears of purgatory” For sin? “Truth” But, Truth is not a sin! “True” Châz
Dis-nous Bateau-Lavoir Just below Place du Tertre About Rue Ravignan 13 There Before the fire Save sovereign tenants Windows swell to Divided space Divided fate And sad shutters shake To palettes poised Where Within your cobbled grave They played To mists of blue So, she sat here With patroness grace And, he waited too Dis-nous […]
The soft cafe lights illuminate the early morning mist of Paris as the sleek Mercedes limousine moves swiftly down Rue Saint-Dominique past the red awnings which depict a unique French cafe culture. Au Canon des Invilades, then left on Le Boulevard De La Tour-Maubourg past Le Centenaire and Le Recrutement. The iconic Haussmann apartment buildings […]
February, 1946 – Columbia, Tennessee It was on Monday morning, February 24, 1946, about 10:00 A.M., when Bernice Coleman and her 6 year old son Beckwood walked approximately 3 blocks from their home in the Negro community to the center of town. Bernice Coleman walked to the center of town everyday, except Sunday, to shop […]
A scene from “Position 6” Perry has left a package for Scott Coleman in the name of Beckwood. There is an awkward moment. The man extended his arm as a barrier in front of the woman, presumably his wife, who was walking next to him. She stopped as abruptly as he had. “Hey Maggie.”, he […]
It was the dumping ground for every idea without a time, and a portentous crash site for intellectual joy riders. Finding something there was like navigating through a strange city without a road map. Easy to get lost, but a good place to get laid. “Good morning, Sir” She was cute. Short blonde hair, petite Spring dress […]