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The Bell

Every Christmas I watch the film “Polar Express”.  The Robert Zemeckis live performance animation film portrays four children who board a mysterious train bound for the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Whether their adventure is a dream, or reality, is left to the imagination of the audience.  Complete with a rail riding ghost and an officious ticket […]

A Letter

This is part of an email sent to me from a close friend. It is followed by parts of my reply. He is a great guy, dedicated to his family and friends.  However, he was beginning to question his faith, as well as his place in the world relative to his observation of others.    […]

In Defense of the American Cliché

In defense of the American cliché You’re watching your favourite cable news channel and the talking head introduces the featured guest.  It goes like this: Talking Head:  Our guest this morning is the Easter Bunny. “Good morning Mr. Bunny welcome to the show. It’s great to see you again, as always” Mr. Bunny:     […]

15 Rules For Public Speaking Disaster

There is plenty of advice for organizing a successful public speaking event. But here are 15 rules for public speaking disaster. By: An American Flaneur – A Stream of Consciousness There are countless ways to screw-up a speaking engagement. But, I have 15 rules for public speaking disaster that are quite memorable – starting with […]