Remembering Dylan Thomas As all time dwells so comes the gentle night, From the breach of Pandora’s breast a breath so gay; A moment précised for faire knave save his fond plight. The bards’ cristened knight bids Icarus take flight, Thus dew to the waters clear port bare astray; As all time dwells so comes the gentle night. Through sifting shadows to recite or relight, Comes forth Arete to precess ‘bout ones bae; A moment précised for faire knave save his fond plight. Contrite this pernicious musing; rewrite, polite, Hermes trumpets clarion to preside foul frivolous play; As all time dwells so comes the gentle night. A barbarous pretense of fine dust Vigo’s write, Pretell virtue, Daemones in wait for the day; A moment précised for faire knave save his fond plight. Grieved avatars gave birth new pain to quiets’ site. Blessed were sweet gifts passed new generation’s way. As all time dwells so comes the gentle night. A moment précised for faire knave save his fond plight. As all time dwells so comes his gentle night. Châz